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 A few of the many endorsements received over 30 years..

“A unique concept in film-making, both relaxing and entertaining”The Guardian.
I thought the photography was excellent … good luck with your venture!” - Betty Wainwright (1996)
” I do enjoy watching these marvelous videos

“  - A. Harry Griffin, pioneering Lakeland climber, and author ( 1999 )

The classic views are all there..” – Terry Fletcher OBE. Internationally renowned author, photographer, and guidebook writer.

It has been an exceptional pleasure for me to view your video titles of walking trips in the hills and mountains. I have had the opportunity to see many nature films in my life but cannot recall any that consistently capture the extraordinary colors and contrasts that you do. It is not once or twice in one of your hill-walking tours, but again and again. This, as a compliment to the beauty and structure of the mountains themselves, gives your DVDs a unique quality which is a joy to the viewer of these exceptional works. “ - Don E. Stevens, international author, publisher, and retired v.president of Chevron Oil Europe.


I can’t begin to describe the pleasure these videos give me -  Dr G. W. Worcestershire
“.. Knocks spots off our other hillwalking videos – Janet Cumisky, Staffs
Thank you for the hours of joy your DVDs give. I felt I was there on the hill myself” -  Mrs CB, Durham
The photography is first class” – Dr JD, Kent ( Fellow, Royal Photographic Society )
We enjoyed the DVDs very much, they are among the best we have watched” – Mrs LH, Skipton
” “ I received The Three Peaks yesterday and I must say it brought tears to my eyes watching it, as I have trudged up all peaks every year for  24 years and know every twist and turn – convey my congratulations to all concernedMr R. B. Heaton, Saffron Walden



The sincerest form..

” Bringing the Mood of the Hills Home”
Hillwalks on Video, 1994 onwards ( widely advertised heading/strapline used to promote our pioneering brand and original outdoor film-making genre )

” Bringing the Outdoors Indoors” 
1980s  ” Local Dalesman” and  Wainwright name-affiliated regional presenter Eric.Ritson’s website headline; 1996 – present


Perfect planners for, or mementos of, happy days in the hills
  – Hillwalks on Video’s unique bespoke advertising strapline since 1995.

I hope that it (the DVD) inspires you to plan your own adventures and that it brings back memories of happy days in the hills
A recent addition to Mr. Robson’s website:
